
KUALA LUMPUR, 5TH MAY 2014 – Asian Geos group (“AG”) and EnviroSolutions & Consulting (“ESC”) today signed a Collaboration Agreement that will see ESC providing local knowledge and manpower to AG’s global experience in conducting offshore Environmental Impact Assessments.

Speaking at the simple signing ceremony which took place at AG’s headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Managing Director of AG, Dato’ Helmi Zulkawi said, “Having strengthened our positions in the geotechnical and geophysical markets in Malaysia, it is timely for AG to round off its oil and gas survey capabilities with the expansion into environmental surveys. ESC is a leading Environment, Safety and Risk consultancy in Malaysia whose Department of Environment-registered consultants will complement AG’s considerable expertise in the collection of offshore environmental baseline data. Our two companies will market our unique ability to complete an offshore EIA without the need to subcontract out certain parts of the work: together we can write the EIA report, collect, analyse and report on the baseline data, all using our own vessels.”

The signing ceremony was attended by the General Managers of AG, Rasid Jaapar (Geotech) and Mazlan Mustapha (Survey) and Andy Campbell, Business Development Manager for Environmental Services in SE Asia. Attendees from ESC’s side were Chiew Teck Wee (Country Director), Mas Ahmah Jonid (Principal Consultant) and Chuah Li Mor (Environmental Consultant).

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